SAPOR Private Equity Fund


In 2009, SAPOR Rentals embarked on a transformative journey, transitioning from a brokerage business model to an independent financial institution. We achieved this milestone by forging partnerships with private equity lenders, offering them attractive rates of return on their investments.

Why We Seek Private Equity Lenders

The funds raised through our Private Equity Fund serve as the backbone of our daily lease agreements, allowing us to operate smoothly and efficiently, by consistently nurturing and expanding this fund, we empower ourselves to finance our transactions.
At SAPOR Rentals, we hold a steadfast commitment to our lenders, ensuring smart financial decisions that drive continuous high returns on their investment.

What We Offer Our Lenders

At SAPOR Rentals, we prioritize offering competitive returns to our lenders we provide above-average interest rates on investments starting from R 100,000.00 for a period of 12 months.

Interest payments are disbursed quarterly or annually directly into a South African bank account of your choosing.

Ensuring the Safety of Your Private Equity Loan

Since its inception in 2009, the SAPOR Private Equity Fund has demonstrated steady growth and stability. With over 1500+ individual participants and 2000+ active loans, many lenders have entrusted us with multiple loans, resulting in more than 3500+ and growing active leases.

To guarantee the integrity of our operations, we take the utmost care in vetting all our deals, the Private Equity Fund undergoes rigorous auditing by Baker Tilley SVG, an independent member of Baker Tilley International. As a trusted and reputable financial auditing firm, Baker Tilley stands alongside us in our unwavering commitment to providing responsible fund management for our lenders."

SAPOR Interest Rates

Interest is paid out every quarter

New Deposits

R 100 000.00 – R 499 999.00


R 500 000.00 – R 999 999.00


R 1 MILLION – R 1 999 999.00


